The Parent Teacher Organization is very active and helps with many projects through out the year. Each fall the PTO has a fall carnival as a fund raiser to assist with projects, student field trips, playground equipment and resources for the school. The PTO designs the yearbook each year and it is distributed in May. A few of the activities this year have included the monthly treat day for students, Fall Carnival, Valentine's Day sales, Book Fair volunteers and staff luncheons. Box tops and soup labels are collected by the PTO as another resource for funds. PTO meetings are held in the library on the first Tuesday of each month. All parents are welcome to attend and become part of a fantastic, supportive group.

Box Tops for Education

Don't throw away money. Clip and send your box tops to school. Every box top is worth $.10 for our school. PTO collects these and uses the money to benefit all students. Get more information at


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